
Pattern Configuration

Panda provides the ability to customize the built-in patterns, as well as creating your own custom patterns. This is useful to create your own layout pattern abstractions that can be used in your application.

A pattern accepts the following parameters:

  • description - The description of the pattern
  • properties - The list of properties that the pattern accepts.
  • transform - The function that accepts the properties and returns a css object
  • jsx - The name of the JSX component that will be generated (when jsxFramework is set). Defaults to the pascal-case version of the pattern name.
  • jsxElement - The actual JSX element that will be rendered (when jsxFramework is set). Defaults to div.
  • blocklist - The list of properties that are not allowed to be used in the pattern. Can be used to ensure strict typings when using the pattern.

Creating a Pattern

To create a pattern, you can use the patterns property in the config. Let's say we want to create a "Scrollable" pattern that applies preset styles to a container that allows for scrolling.

const config = {
  patterns: {
    extend: {
      scrollable: {
        description: 'A container that allows for scrolling',
        properties: {
          // The direction of the scroll
          direction: { type: 'enum', value: ['horizontal', 'vertical'] },
          // Whether to hide the scrollbar
          hideScrollbar: { type: 'boolean' }
        // disallow the `overflow` property (in TypeScript)
        blocklist: ['overflow'],
        transform(props) {
          const { direction, hideScrollbar, } = props
          return {
            overflow: 'auto',
            height: direction === 'horizontal' ? '100%' : 'auto',
            width: direction === 'vertical' ? '100%' : 'auto',
            scrollbarWidth: hideScrollbar ? 'none' : 'auto',
            WebkitOverflowScrolling: 'touch',
            '&::-webkit-scrollbar': {
              display: hideScrollbar ? 'none' : 'auto'

Then you can run the following command to generate the pattern JS code:

pnpm panda codegen

Now you can import the pattern and use it in your application:

import { scrollable } from '../styled-system/patterns'
const App = () => {
  return (
    <div className={scrollable({ direction: 'vertical', hideScrollbar: true })}>
      <div>Scrollable content</div>

Customizing Built-in Patterns

You can extend the default patterns by using the patterns.extend property in the config.

import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
export default defineConfig({
  patterns: {
    extend: {
      // Extend the default `flex` pattern
      flex: {
        properties: {
          // only allow row and column
          direction: { type: "enum", value: ["row", "column"] },

Then you can run the following command to update the pattern JS code:

pnpm panda codegen